Współczesne wyzwania neuropsychologii na przykładzie funkcjonowania poznawczego osób z przewlekłą niewydolnością nerek


  • Michał Harciarek prof. UG, Instytut Psychologii, Uniwersytet Gdański

Słowa kluczowe:

chronic kidney disease, dialysis, transplantation, neuropsychological impairment


The development made in medicine and neuropsychology over the recent years has provided much evidence for the notion that the functioning of the central nervous system as well as the state of the human’s mind depends on the proper functioning of the whole organism, including the functioning of such organs as heart, liver and kidneys. This has created new challenges for neuroscientists who aim not only at indentifying reciprocal relationships between the central nervous system and the functioning of specific systems/internal organs but also (or maybe predominantly) at optimizing the treatment of patients suffering from somatic diseases, such as chronic kidney disease. In the present article, it has been delineated how a dysfunction of an organ outside the central nervous system may contribute to the development of neuropsychological deficits. In particular, the results from research on cognitive function in patients with chronic kidney disease have been described, including those examining the impact of specific kidney replacement therapy (dialysis vs. transplantation) on cognitive testing.



